Monday 28 September 2009

Music Video: Research - Audience Research

It is important to take into consideration the ideas and opinions of the target audience of this song to get full effect into the video, as it is being made for them, so we need to know what they like, etc...

To find this information, I need to create a questionnaire about this song and music videos in general, gathering the results to get the perfect mix of what to put into the video.

*I have only asked people who have seen the original "Stacy's Mom" music video

For my questionnaire I asked ten people ranging between the ages of 15 and 19 what they thought about the song and future video re-make. I have shown the answers each person gave atleast once.

Q1 What would you like to see in our music video version of "Stacys mom"?

Jamie (18) - Your video would have to follow the songs story, not only clips of the band playing.

Ben (16) - The band scenes need to be different to others, I like you idea of being an airband for example.

Sarah (18) - The band must look confident and into the music, if it's all static then its just awkward and un-enjoyable to watch.

Q2 Do you think we should use special effects in our video?

Beth (15) - Special effects do make some videos look really good but if you over do it the video becomes a bit repetitive.

Sam (19) - Do add effects but don't over do it.

Tom (17) - I wouldn't use many, if any effects because it can look like you are hiding previous mistakes.

Q3 What music videos do you like at the moment and why?

Scott (17) - Dizee Rascal - Bonkers. Because the video is fast paced so it is at no point boring, it also follows the music really well, with the artist following the lyrics by starting the video in bed for example.

Ben (17) - Arctic Monkeys - Crying Lightning. It is completely different from other music videos, the music video shows the band playing from the inside of a small rowing boad in the middle of a rough sea, it seems to give the song more hidden meanings. They have also used colours well in the video, expressing the tone and feeling of the song well.

Laura (16) - Kaiser Chiefs - never miss a beat. The video is completely random making it interesting and fun to watch. No one part of the video is the same, always something new to watch out for.

Q4 What are your opinions on the original 'Stacys Mom' video?

Joe (17) - I loved it. I liked how they moved from story to band throughout the video, making each clip different. I also liked the range of colours they used making the scene look like the "perfect world". Having comedy clips such as when that kid walked into a tree with a lawn mower really made it worth watching, and makes the video stick in your head.

Beth (15) - I enjoyed the song but i think the video was more aimed at boys than it was girls, with all of the clips of stacys mom. The video was funny but i have seen much better, and I wouldnt go out of my way to watch it over again.

Tom (17) - I liked the video, it suited the song well and ran at a fast pace holding you there untill it had finished. If the video was slow at moving from clip to clip it wouldnt have been as bigger hit as it is today i feel.

From this questionnaire I can see now that we will need to include as much of the song story as we can, and not have the song focused all on the band. Our target audience also all seem to agree that the video is fast paced and never gets boring, which we can make happen quite simpley with bright colours, varied locations, comedy, and also a confident performance in both band and storyline.

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