Friday 20 November 2009

Digipak and Magazine Advert: Digipack Research

To get full effectiveness into the Digipack, I need to research current covers of other film soundtracks, and pick out the good points that we could use.

17 Again

What is good about this album cover?
  • A really good thing about this cover is that its very simplistic but still effective.
  • It is very bright with the white background and the red writing. Making it catch the eye of the target audience.
  • Another good thing about this cover is that it shows the main character smiling, having fun, which is what the audience of this movie will want to see.
  • Finally, the title is very big, catching the eye of the audience. Also, I like the idea of the writing at the top saying it is from the motion picture.
Camp Rock

What is good about this album cover?

  • One of the biggest things I like about this cover is that it looks really fun and energetic, making in it more appealing to the young audience of the film.
  • Again it is very bright, but with more colour than the previous one, with a colourful big title right in the middle, cathing the eye of the viewer.
  • Again it is showing the main characters in the movie, which is something we can do as well.

Mamma Mia

What is good about this album cover?
  • This cover is very, very bright and light, really jumping out at the target audience.
  • Again like the others it has a very big eye catching title.
  • It also shows the main characters from the film having a fun time.
  • One thing I really like about this cover is the way the sea merges with the white at the top. This is something I think would look really cool on our cover.


What is good about this album cover?
  • This is one of my favourite soundtrack covers and I think that is because it is very colourful and bright. It really stands out.
  • It has a big title. Whilst also saying it is the soundtrack, which is obviously important.
  • But one of the biggest things I like about this is the pictures. Again like all the others it is showing the main characters. But here I like how they have put them in their own seperate box with a bright colour behind them. As well as them looking really happy doing a fun pose.

What to take away?

There are a lot of things that we can use in our digipack cover, but we cannot use them all, as I think it will look too untidy and a bit strange. So I have had to select a few things that most of them do, as well as adding a few things that only some or an individual cover does.

What they all do?

  • They are all very bright
  • They are all have a big title
  • They are all bright/colourful
  • They all show the main characters having a fun time

What some/individual covers do?

  • Hairspray uses the picture boxes of the main characters very well, with the fun posing and bright background
  • Mamma Mia has a very effective background, the way it merges together.
  • 17 Again, Hairspray, and Mamma Mia all state that it is a motion picture soundtrack which I think is vital to the cover.

I think all these points just mentioned are very effective, and we should look to incorporate these into our digipack cover.

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