Sunday 22 November 2009

Digipak and Magazine Advert: Magazine Advert Research

To get full effectiveness into the Magazine advert, I need to research current adverts of other albums, and pick out the good points that we could use, just like with the digipak.

What is good about this magazine advert?
  • Very simple but straight to the point and effective
  • Background fades away to the top of advert
  • Basic Title
  • Main People (i.e. band members)
  • Release Date (very important)

What is good about this magazine advert?

  • Simple - black and white, but matches the bands persona
  • A lot of info (good for this type of band, but not necessarily for our type of band)
  • Shows the release date
  • Main people again

What is good about this magazine advert?

  • Simple
  • 4 square pictures of main people like on our album cover
  • Simple info - release date and "includes single...."
  • again matches demeanour of the band

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